Thursday, 7 February 2013

First Coding Day

Yesterday I started work on the coding for the project.

I had a quick look at previous OpenCV build environments in Visual Studio that I had used last year, which used a previous version of OpenCV (2.3.1). After confirming these still worked and all the linkers will still intact, I updated to the latest version 2.4.3. 

I then continued to create a new Visual Studio C++ project and created a simple C++ file that read in an image using both the C and C++ interfaces, similar to the tutorial described here. This resulted in the following:

Loading and displaying an image
Loading and displaying an image

Before finishing, I had a quick read on using the older FaceDetection library, which, as discussed in the previous post, may or may not be compatible with OpenCV 2. It turns out that it does work and using snippets of the facedetect.c file bundled with OpenCV, resulted in the following output image when used with the Haar cascade classifer:

FaceDetection with Haar Like Features
This (unedited) image is the first from the testing set I am going to use throughout the project. Details of the testing set shall be explained at a later date. As you can see, the result is not entirely accurate, but enough progress has been made on this first day.

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